Get inspired by new places and see known ones with fresh eyes. Feel the joy of discovering the world from a different perspective.
Discover new places
Soak up the vibes of this place and let the atmosphere boost your creativity for the next fantastic pictures.
Take your picture
Bring your own flavor into this place by realizing your creative ideas.
Call it meisight
Show the world the picture that is 100% you – no one else can take it with the same spirit and mood than you did.

Explore the world

Feel the Spirit

Make new friends

Call it meisight

Make it yours

Get inspired by new places and see known ones with fresh eyes - perspective.

Meet with like-minded people and enjoy taking pictures together - friendship.

Soak up the vibes of this place and let the magic inspire you - creativity.

Connect with this place and realize your photo idea - individuality.

No one else can create this picture the way you did it - uniqueness.

Explore the world

Get inspired by new places and see known ones with fresh eyes - perspective.

Feel the spirit

Soak up the vibes of this place and let the magic inspire you - creativity.

Make new friends

 Meet with like-minded people and enjoy taking pictures together - friendship.


Connect with this place and realize your photo idea - individuality.

Call Itmeisight

No one else can create this picture the way you did it - uniqueness.

We are
The story of meisight

Jenny´s modeling ambitions developed quite early. Already as a little girl, she loved to bring herself into the spotlight - with a lot of fun and creativity 😊. But reality looks different: Too small to survive in this business, she discovered her passion for creating pictures on Instagram. Alex on the other hand always dreamed of exploring the world and took every opportunity to do so. She loves to travel or to prepare for the next trip, when she´s back. As a photographer of Jenny, she is always looking for great photo spots. For both it takes a lot of time to find the right locations.


They took up the challenge and developed an idea: An inspiring mobile app that displays the coolest places and photo spots for influencers around the world – with maps integration to directly guide them to the desired destination. The name of this digital platform is a creative invention of both:

meisight - mei beautiful sight
(mei - chinese - beautiful - beautiful / pretty, english my, sight)

Do you want to become part of the global meisight community right from the start? Then follow us on @meisight_official or apply as testuser for our beta-version (starting in January)!